πŸ“… PLAN πŸ“…

A little more time to get lost in a book (if I want to read). Tasks scheduled from 15:00-16:00 on Mondays(Grieving), Wednesdays(Bond/parent) and Fridays will take place on the same day, but another moment.

New S.M.A.R.T. goals

Due date: October 20th, 2023

Let in more

Task 1 Adventure

– Consult helpful sources to discover how to overcome the fear of traveling.

– Consult helpful sources to learn how travel agencies can enhance safety and support during my adventures abroad.

Task 2 Group

– Conduct further research on one more communal dining option and reach out if necessary.

Heal more

Task 3 Watch & Work

– Watch the video on setting priorities.

– Work on building a healthier relationship with food by brainstorming three dishes/treats for each of the remaining holidays I celebrate in 2023, such as Sinterklaas, Xmas and New Year’s Eve.

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