Among these raw, intensely romantic and fiery moments, a sensuous fusion of relaxation and exhilaration envelops us. I can’t help but yearn for clarity and stability between these passionate encounters, just as I imagine you do.

Here’s what ignites my longing, with an ardent desire:

Your strength, effortlessly lifting and lowering 55-65 kg(121-143 Lbs) round and round, for about 20-60 minutes. I envision your powerful form in graceful action. Bonus points* for maintaining a sensual pace in a rhythmic manner.

*: Points are only redeemable at the kitchen counter.

The seductive allure of your tidiness, artfully placing objects in their rightful homes. It’s an enticing ballet as you seek the laundry basket for that soiled sock or guide a plate to the dishwasher or sink with irresistible elegance. The captivating notion of you taking out the trash or tending to household repairs, a display of capability that stirs my deepest cravings.

And what I yearn to offer you, with a fervent passion:

I will zealously tend to our remaining domestic needs, cultivating a harmonious and sensuous environment.

In the kitchen, I’ll passionately explore your culinary desires, savoring the essence of your preferences and crafting delectable dishes with unwavering devotion.

At the close of an exhausting day or upon your awakening, my tender hands will deliver massages that send pleasurable shivers down your spine.

Do you crave morning coffee as you stir from slumber? Its aroma will lovingly caress your senses as you greet a new day brimming with possibilities. What services do you desire?

Together, let us fan the flames of our love upon the bedrock of unwavering stability:

We’ll rendezvous regularly, engaging in verbal exchanges that foster an intimate connection. Questions such as “How are you?” “What do you yearn for?” and “How may I fulfill your desires?” will kindle the fires of our connection. What questions shall we ask and answer?

Our bodies will meld in passionate embraces: cuddles, sweet kisses leaving a lingering taste of desire, tender caresses electrifying our senses, and massages exploring every inch of your yearning body. And yes, I long for the intimate love we share, a connection to be nurtured frequently. What physical needs shall I meet for you?

As for tokens of our affection:

I ache to receive white hyacinth flowers for their sweet scent and symbolic meaning. Pink roses, though more readily found, still bear the promise of romance.

Should you wish to indulge me, a gift card to Douglas, Lush, or de Bijenkorf would be a delightful surprise. Yet, I’m eager to discover your desires when it comes to gifts, for what does one bestow upon someone who possesses the means to attain their heart’s every wish?

In addition to providing stability for myself, allowing me moments of self-indulgence, my work also aids me in transforming our house into a haven and in crafting deeply personal gifts for you or creating those exhilarating cycles for you to enjoy. Thus, I require space to engage in intellectually demanding work that preserves my mental and physical vigor, allowing me to channel that energy into our home.

I proffer the gift of crafting personalized, passionate tokens of my affection. If, for instance, you adore watches, permit me to stoke your desires by creating a unique timepiece just for you. What gifts would you love to receive? How do you envision our home and work balance?

And when it comes to whispered words:

Your declarations of belief in me, your sweet praises like “good,” “sweet,” “I am proud of you,” “I believe in you”, and those words of approval when I excel – they ignite my deepest passions. Your endearing terms like “dushi🇚🇌,” “lieverd🇳🇱,” or “lief🇳🇱” caress my soul. I yearn to hear the whispered desires of your heart, to know the sweet phrases that quicken your heartbeat. Will you allow me to tantalize your senses with my words?

Written with the help of chatGPT🀖

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