📅 PLAN 📅

The big three+ main goals:

1. Invest more: Explore IT career change opportunities and job listings to further my professional development.

2. Become an expert: Delve into the pricing details of tutoring websites, paving the way for a deeper understanding of programming. Additionally, learn how to build a portfolio with projects that I can undertake with the support of the tutor.

3. Let in more: Investigate the pricing options for Zumba classes, which promise moments of joy, dancing to infectious beats, and even the luxury of yoga and sauna sessions at select gyms. Check if I can save on monthly expenses for a gym membership. Also, learn more about editing dance videos*.

*Since I was 14, I’ve been creating dance videos at home, and I want to continue. I’m looking to take it more seriously now because it’s a genuine passion of mine. I aim to bring immense joy to the viewer when they watch it, at least as much joy as I experience while dancing. I want to look back at the videos with pride and witness growth in my dance and editing skills. In this way, I can also rekindle my love for dancing as a hobby at home, adding a sensual touch to my artistry. Additionally, alongside the ballet lessons I’ll be starting on Wednesdays from this week and the future Zumba classes, I’m eager to explore new dimensions of dance and creativity at home.

4. Heal more: Learn to deal with the fear of rejection, abandonment, intimacy and vulnerability. Practice respecting the freedom of others. Focus on spending less, overcoming shyness, tackling obstacles, improving communication, and connecting with others.

For the upcoming 72 hours, the three+ big goals in bite sizes (due date friday september 8th, 2023):

1. Invest more: Explore potential job opportunities that align with my bachelor’s degree study to complete my bachelor’s degree and compile a list of 10 such opportunities.

2. Become an expert: Document the prices of three tutoring websites.

3. Let in more: Write down the membership prices of the three gyms.

4. Heal more: Watch three educational videos: 1. on dealing with rejection, 2. managing finances, and 3. overcoming shyness.

Written with the help of chatGPT🀖

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