🧸 Q-time 🧸


  • Leaving my house tidy and clean before I leave home.
  • Coming home to a tidy and clean house.
  • Feeling a fresh breeze on my face in spring when it’s 23 degrees, hearing the birds sing, smelling the sweet-scented flowers, and seeing them bloom around me.
  • Lying by the sea, hearing the waves, feeling the sand, and basking in the warmth of the sun.
  • A warm gaze from someone I hold dear.
  • Watching the white hyacinth flower bulbs that I invest time and care into grow, being able to smell them, and admire them.
  • Sitting in my tidy house, looking around, smelling the all-purpose cleaner, feeling a comfortable temperature, and experiencing a sense of pride.
  • Finally getting to savor my second marshmallow (anticipation).
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