πŸ“… PLAN πŸ“…

New Goals

Due date: October 2nd, 2023


Focus on tasks from the upper part of the list and determine the daily time available for them for the upcoming week (Monday – Sunday). For example, on Monday, October 2nd, 2023, I have an hour between 14:00-15:00 to work on these tasks. The goal is not necessarily to complete all tasks but to take another step make within the allocated time.

Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks related to my grieving process, becoming a mother and becoming a wife (establishing a strong and loving romantic relationship with my husband, the father of my offspring).


Focus on tasks from the lower part of the list and determine the daily time available for them for the upcoming week.

Add the tasks related to my grieving process, becoming a mother and becoming a wife to the priority task list in the right order.

Incorporate into the priority list the task of discovering various discount coupons/apps, promo codes, and identifying days with the largest discounts to compile a list of them.

On both days, allocate time to watch a video about effective time management.

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