How I ache for your eagerness to provide comfort, so tender and captivating and for the delightful sensation of giggling with you. Your voice resonates with unrestrained delight when you laugh. The deep and rhythmic resonance of your voice, your tone serene and meditative, sets off an unquenchable wildfire, raging through the depths of my essence, teetering on the precipice of carrying me to the pinnacle of elation. In those radiant, hypnotic eyes, fiery with an affectionate and entrancing gaze, I see a Maestro that makes me feel profoundly seen and cherished, sculpting a limitless canyon where I gladly lose myself for hours. The warmth, oh, the intense heat of your body, envelops me like a gradual, seductive heatwave, an intoxication I am utterly powerless to resist. A magnetic force, drawing me nearer with every breath.

Written with the help of chatGPTπŸ€–

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