IF (value > cost) THEN € =1

In my quest to locate the food bank in The Hague and extend a helping hand, I was disheartened not to find it listed. The Hague had shown me immense kindness during my times of need. Amidst this disappointment, I noticed a glimmer of connection in the next entry – West Friesland, the region where Hoorn, my hometown, is nestled. It’s remarkable to maintain such a bond in this way. I’ll contribute to The Hague, and if it’s still not listed, I’ll direct my support to Hoorn, West Friesland.

The burning question that occupied my thoughts today was how much I should contribute. What constituted a fair and meaningful amount? What would genuinely make a difference? Uncertainty lingered as I couldn’t help but wonder, what was the right sum to give?

In my current circumstances, without a stable job and the realization that I could easily qualify for a food package myself, the idea of donating might seem unnecessary. However, I chose to shift my perspective. Instead of dwelling on what I couldn’t afford, I began to consider what I could spare – one euro. One euro could mean the world to someone in need, someone relying on the food bank’s support.

Five euros (5 Γ— 1 euro) could provide sustenance for an entire family. That means my one euro could make a difference for two families in a year. It’s a simple, tangible way to contribute.

Then, a more profound thought struck me. What if all 13 million adult residents, out of a total population exceeding 17 million, gave just one euro per month? The collective effect would be astonishing – 13 million euros donated every month to the food bank. This substantial sum would translate into a specific number of food packages, ultimately assisting numerous families in their time of need.It’s an exhilarating calculation to contemplate. In that moment, I realized that one euro does make a difference. The act of giving, however small it might seem on its own, could be part of a much larger, impactful wave of generosity. With renewed determination, I decided to create this budget for my donation next month, knowing that even the smallest drop could create ripples of hope and support in the lives of those who needed it most.

Written with the help of chatGPTπŸ€–

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