Dear Leentje,

You woke up several times last night. You feel miserable, unloved, unseen, frustrated, short of breath, dissapointed and very scared. I am here for you. Squeeze in this pillow while you take deep breaths. Breath in through your nose: Make your belly as big as possible. Breath out through your mouth, untill there is no breath left. Repeat as much as needed. Atta girl. I am proud of you. Come in my arms. Your emotions are welcome. Look at me. I see you. Tell me what frustrates you. The situation you’re in is unfair. Listen. Your boundaries are important. I accept you. You are magnificent and of value the way you are. You are loved. Look around you. You are not being molested in this moment. These people didn’t cause your childhood traumas. This is old pain. You are safe. You got this. I believe in you. Take a nap whenever you need it.

Much love,


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