I’ve noticed that I gain a great deal of strength and a reassuring sense of my self-worth as a human being. This comes from a process where I first allow myself to grieve and then open up to positive and loving messages, especially from others. This process boosts my self-confidence and enhances my ability to be in love, emotionally available, and capable of handling heartache when connections don’t go as planned.

Therefore, I intend to engage in this practice before bedtime, ideally on a daily basis, but at the very least, regularly. I’ll start by allowing myself to grieve and then reading those affectionate messages. I’ve realized that after such an exercise, I often feel quite tired, which helps me drift into sleep. It allows me to present myself before the eyes of those from whom I seek love and subsequently read those heartwarming messages. This warmth assists me in finding inner peace.

The reason for committing to this practice regularly is that this state of being is still somewhat unfamiliar to me, and I believe that with more repetition, I can eventually access it without the need for the full exercise. The benefits of this practice are increased self-assurance in my self-worth as a human, knowing that I am loved because I genuinely feel loved. It also provides me with the confidence to navigate intense emotions, both in receiving and giving love, and enables me to be emotionally available.

These gradual steps are helping me move closer to building and maintaining a healthier and stable romantic relationship. My ultimate intention (maybe even my ikigai) is to connect on a deeper level.

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