Allow me to express my gratitude for the love and care poured into raising this remarkable, strong, incredibly intelligent, well-mannered, and wise man. It’s clear that the qualities he possesses are a testament to the love and nurturing he received from you. I’m proud of him, and we’ve only just met. I can only imagine the immense pride you must feel in witnessing his growth from a fetus to the gentleman he is today. I feel a strong connection with him, and I can only imagine the deep bond you share, with all the cherished memories from the first time you felt him in your womb to the moments you’ve held his hand. I extend my hand to his right hand, which I hope is open to me. I understand that it’s a journey we can only embark on with his consent and your approval, allowing us to grow and flourish together.

Written with the help of chatGPTπŸ€–

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