πŸ“… PLAN πŸ“…


Work on the following tasks from the top (urgent & important and important & not urgent) of the priority task list, preferably between 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM:

Grieving process

This deserves extra attention because my attachment with my parents greatly influences how I see the world. The more I can release old pain and unhealthy attachment, the more space I have to embrace beautiful memories and healthy attachment. When I don’t grieve and don’t allow their validation and good memories in, I tend to withdraw, distance myself and avoid attachment. Which makes me feel unloved. Hence, I need to remind myself that I am loved, both by myself and by my parents.


Work on the following tasks from the top (urgent & important and important & not urgent) of the priority task list, preferably between 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM:

Become a caring, wise, and disciplined mother & become an adventurous, stable wife with a strong backbone.

This requires extra attention due to my temperament. I tend to be very agreeable, open, and neurotic in a way that hinders my ability to form healthy attachments with those close to me.

A wife with a backbone:

I need to acquire skills to become a wife with a stronger backbone to manage my agreeable nature healthily. It’s essential to establish healthy boundaries within a marriage. Without this, I tend to forget my boundaries, needs, feelings, passions, and hobbies. This leaves me feeling unseen. Thus, I need to set healthy boundaries to remind myself of who these parts of myself.

An adventurous wife:

I need to learn skills to become an adventurous wife to handle my openness healthily. My need for excitement should be expressed in a way that doesn’t hurt others. Otherwise, I tend to become overly clingy or excessively flirtatious. This is why I need to create healthy adventures to satisfy my need for excitement and fun.

A stable wife:

I need to learn skills to become a stable wife and manage my neurotic tendencies healthily. When I’m stable, I can communicate effectively about my needs and feelings. Without this, I tend to fear (perceived) abandonment, rejection, or abuse. Hence, I need skills to calm down, give it time, meditate, and more to engage the rational part of my brain.

A caring mother:

I need to acquire skills to be a caring mother because I’ve missed out on a lot. To avoid repeating history, I need to stay mindful and learn how to care for a human being from the womb until my last breath.

A wise mother:

I need to also learn how to be a wise mother because I believe it’s the greatest gift I can offer to my children, helping them navigate this world.

A disciplined mother:

Lastly, I need to learn the skills to be a disciplined mother to lead by example. I sense that my offspring won’t be fooled by the “do as I say, not as I do” approach, as it didn’t work on me. So, I need to be disciplined to be able to discipline.


Work on the following task from the bottom (not important, urgent & not and important & not urgent) of the priority task list, preferably between 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM:

To be determined every 72 hours

Monday – Friday

Work on the following tasks from the top (urgent & important and important & not urgent) of the priority task list, preferably between 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM:

Task 1: 15 minutes – enjoy adventures (ideas, planning, etc.)- 5 minutes for task transition-

Task 2: 15 minutes – enjoy socializing (ideas, planning, etc.)- 5 minutes for task transition-

Task 3: 15 minutes – To be determined every 72 hours

Try to maintain the same time for consistency and routine. If that’s not possible, aim for 5 minutes* to two hours per day.

*Stay mindful of my dreams and goals: If I only have 5 minutes, I can still review the tasks I had planned for the day, build intrinsic motivation, and maybe even reset priorities.

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