β˜•οΈ COFFEE β˜•οΈ

On this delightful coffee day, my quest for the perfect latte macchiato took me on a little adventure. I wandered through the coffee aisle, first encountering the familiar latte,

then the tempting caramel latte.

But oh, when I reached the latte macchiato section, it was bare! Determined, I persisted, and lo and behold, I finally found it – the elusive latte macchiato.

As I stood there, contemplating my options, I realized I could choose between a new, an old favorite, or a uniquely special coffee. I decided on the latte macchiato, a choice intertwined with fond memories of my mother, who used to savor it. There was a stash of it in her pantry at home. That’s why enjoying this today, adds a comforting layer of nostalgia to my coffee selection.

Perhaps, in the future, I’ll summon the courage to explore a different coffee. But for today, it’s all about embracing the warmth of the past.

I decided to treat myself to some chocolates as well. You see, I have a holiday budget of 10 euros, and coffee day is indeed a holiday worth celebrating. So, I carefully scoured the shelves for chocolates that would fit within this budget as closely as possible.

In my journey to treasure life’s simple pleasures, this 10 euro celebration feels incredibly grand. Looking at my coffee treat and chocolates, I can’t help but daydream. “Hey, wouldn’t it be wonderful to invite friends over for a similar experience?” Not precisely the same combination, but having an array of delightful coffees and handpicked chocolates made by the chocolatier, maybe even a fancy coffee machine, ready to create warm moments.

I’m reminded of my mother’s welcoming spirit, always having something delectable to offer to guests, even a full meal for those in need. It’s a level of hospitality that I aspire to. So, along with my coffee and chocolates, I’m setting my sights on acquiring the tools for hospitality – a coffee maker, a collection of delightful coffees, and chocolates that say, “Mi casa es su casa.”

As I envision friends gathered in my cozy space, sipping coffee, sharing stories, and feeling truly at home, I can’t help but smile. It’s not just about the beverages and sweets; it’s about the warmth that permeates every corner of my inviting home. Welcoming others into my world has become a cherished goal, and I can’t wait to share these moments, sprinkled with love and hospitality, with the people I hold dear.

Letting people in step by step. Who knew coffee was the answer to what comes next after meeting new people?

So, step 1 involves meeting people, and step 2 entails extending a casual invitation to my home. The challenge with step 2 is that the hospitality standards I’ve grown up with, which my mother both exemplified and taught me, unfortunately do not align with my current living situation. I partly share her perspective. I lack the basics like a comfortable couch to offer a warm welcome. I’m essentially living here in survival mode.

Amidst the moving boxes, disciplining myself, sleeping on the floor like a stoic soldier. Partly because I had lost sight of the value of money and, having had fewer possessions recently, I’ve come to appreciate the worth of things like a good bed or a refrigerator. I strongly desire those basics. I’m grateful for this period of learning, the tough love, but I don’t want to impose this on my guests and prefer to welcome my guests in a warm embrace.

Until I have a home with a guest room, I can still do step 1, meet, and connect with people outside of my house.

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