This is one of those mornings again where I think, ‘wow.’ Feeling a bit more sensitive and craving meat, cheese, and chocolate because I’m dealing with PMS, yes. But apparently, it’s so mild now that I still see how beautiful it is here. The trees. The leaves. The birds. And yes, the people. The beautiful people. Fear? Who is that? What is that? On days like this, at moments like this, I don’t feel it. My heart feels open. Yes, I slept longer. Yes, I took preventive measures to have a pleasant sleep position. And yes, I went through my grieving process. Yes, I let in all sorts of kind and warm messages that touched me and made me weep and feel loved again! Yes, I listened to safe place exercises specially recorded for me. Yes, I took a hot shower and drank hot tea. Yes, I massaged myself. Yes, I took great care of myself yesterday after my app block! Yes, I wrote a letter to someone (without the intent to send it) about whom I had a dream later that night. I felt his protection in my dream. I didn’t wake up in his arms, but this is a nice alternative. Waking up like this is lovely. I want to have this feeling of safety more often. That’s what I strive for.

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