📅 PLAN 📅

New (S.M.A.R.T) goals

Due date: November 10th, 2023

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Task 1 Adventure

1.Create a list of essential herbs & spices to keep in the kitchen for preparing my daily dishes.

2. Study French cuisine to enhance my homemade meals and my coffee-making skills.

Task 2 Group

1. Determine the optimal day for weekly communal dining.

2. Establish a starting date for this new experience, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with my favorite home-cooked dishes on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Task 3 Plan & Write

1. Plan up to two communal dining experiences on a single day, one in the morning/noon at Place X/Y and another in the afternoon/evening at Place Y/Z.

2. Write down any barriers preventing my participation.

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