Dear Leentje,

You don’t need to hide. You are welcome. I am thankful for you. Your childhood traumas are not your fault. You don’t deserve to be punished for them. You don’t have to be perfect. I see how distraught, lonely, unloved, ashamed and powerless you feel. How awful and sad. You are safe. I am here. Hold my hand. I will take care of you. This emptiness is a very stressful and uncomfortable feeling. Breath in through your nose: make your belly as big as possible. Breath out through your mouth: untill the last breath. Repeat as much as needed. Atta girl. I am very proud of you. You got this. I believe in you. Your boundaries, emotions and needs are important, magnificent and of value the way they are. I accept you. Look at me. I love you unconditionally.

Much love,


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