I woke up around midnight, just as anticipated, at around 1 o’clock. Taking a second dose, I drifted back into slumber around 4 o’clock. The gentle chime of my alarm greeted me at 6 o’clock. In that half-awake state, I commenced my training, after a brief meditation and deep breaths. Shower, teeth brushed, my simple daily care routine unfolded. I brewed a comforting cup of coffee, to create a warm welcome upon my return from the morning walk. Slipping into my shoes, I embarked on the walk.

En route, the round, full moon illuminated my path, accompanied by smiles and greetings from passersby. It resonates with meβ€”

I belong.

This moved me and brought a smile to my face. It’s remarkable how I see the world around me when I feel more calm. And yes, the coffee? It’s the same black coffee, but today I taste more of its sweetness. Today, I’ll guide myself to a deeper sleep again; a few nights typically pass before I attune to uninterrupted sleep with the help of valerian/melatonin. Nevertheless, my gratitude is deep for the profound rest I experienced despite this interruption. This rejuvenating sleep paves the way for a fresh start today.

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