Dear Leentje,

I see how ashamed, unloved, desperate, powerless, worried, distraught, sad and anxious you feel about your looks. You believe that you’re ugly, unworthy and undeserving of unconditional love. These feelings and thoughts woke you up several times last night. How terrible, sad, awful and exhausting. This is old pain. You missed out on a lot of hugs, warmth, compliments and kisses in your childhood. This was not your fault. Let me hug you tight. You are loved, worthy and deserving of unconditional love whether you do or you don’t meet all beauty standards 24/7. You belong. We cannot control others ability to love unconditionally. Your looks cannot change their ability to love unconditionally. Discover which grooming routine and which style(s) you like. Explore at your own pace. I love you unconditionally. I accept you. I support you. I am proud of you. You got this. Let me give you a peck on your forehead. MWAH. Look at me. You are enough. You don’t have to be perfect. You are magnificent, important and of value the way you are. You are loved. Let me compliment you. Listen: you are beautiful, wonderful, awesome, great, pure, unique, lovely and special. Let me pour you a cup of tea. Let me massage your neck and your shoulders thoroughly. Receive the love, attention and acceptance. You are safe.

Much love,


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