πŸ”₯ LORENA πŸ”₯

Deeply flawed


I find myself hesitant to open up and embrace a special friend, as I have not yet discovered the place where I want to anchor my roots for an extended period. My desire is to extend a warm embrace to this special friend who welcomes my healthy adult mode, strength, and safety into their lifeβ€”inviting them into my space.

In contemplating ways to infuse joy into my daily life, I’ve chosen to create a little party on my plate. With the exception of electronic devices, I intend to craft items that contribute to or elevate this daily feast, drawing inspiration from nature, God, music, and food.

An example of this is a low-lying dining table. As someone who embraces a grounded lifestyle, this table, crafted to my specifications, becomes a symbolic centerpiece for daily rituals to serve the little party on my plate. While the prospect of acquiring a ready-made alternative looms as a more immediate solution, I am drawn to the idea of investing time, developing skill, and energy into crafting a table, inspiring a deeper understanding and appreciation for craftsmanship and devotion in my surroundings.

By immersing myself in the creation process, I cultivate a deeper connection to the items that surround me. This endeavor is not just practical; it is a journey aligning with my need for genuine appreciation, satisfaction, and a profound understanding of the energy invested in every piece. Similar to the patience required to master the art of preparing cherished recipes, some inspired by lovely childhood memories, this crafting journey becomes a path to learn the value of taking time to create my home.

While it may be tempting to opt for the convenience of purchasing a fully curated packageβ€”a move that could satisfy immediate desires but might compromise the long-term fulfillment derived from understanding the craftsmanship, energy, time, and skill invested.

In acknowledging the intricate balance between patience and satisfaction, I am reminded of the beauty found in the slow unfurling of a flower’s stem. This journey of creation inspires me to be more patientβ€”a currency exchanged for the priceless fulfillment and appreciation for life derived from investing energy, effort, time, and skill in the act of creation.

I intend to create my furniture or accessoryβ€”something easily transportable, inspired by God, nature, music, and food, or any other passion that fuels my soul. This endeavor is not just about crafting an item; it is a conscious step towards curating a space that resonates with the warmth I need inside and out to be present and feel satisfied.

Written with the help of chatGPT πŸ€–

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