πŸ”₯ LORENA πŸ”₯

Deeply flawed



Is the path to a deeper connection found in communicating the truth? Does this journey lead to a special friend? Can it break down barriers, both those set up by others and by myself? Is this what “the truth will set you free” truly means? Articulating your feelings, needs, and boundaries unequivocally, even in the face of the fear of rejection, abandonment, and potential harm? The road to a special friend can be a daunting, unfamiliar one. I want to speak my truth, but in the gentlest way possible, for I don’t wish to cause pain by asserting my boundaries, pressuring by expressing my needs, or creating sadness through sharing emotions. Yet, my yearning for a deeper connection surpasses my apprehension. I sense an increasing desire for the kind of connection I’ve described, one grounded in honest communication and love.

Expressing my needs to someone I hope will become a special friend. How can I do this? How can I extend my hand to him without making him feel obligated to reciprocate? I tend to use seduction. It’s not that I deny him pleasure, but attempting to persuade him from a “no” to a “maybe” or a “maybe” to a “yes” through seduction may not be a healthy long-term approach. I may have won him over, but perhaps I’m not allowing him to willingly come closer. Maybe I just want to convey, “Dear friend, I’m reaching out to you, and I wish to connect with you. Will you walk alongside me?” Rather than making my hand irresistibly appealing with nail polish, fragrant hand cream that leaves my skin soft, and using my most seductive tone to convince him to join me, I find it challenging to let go of this approach. This is because I’m not convinced that he’ll join me without being seduced. I fear rejection when I openly express my genuine desire to proceed with him, regardless of his response. Is it beneficial for my emotional growth to be transparent about this? Perhaps I can initiate my plan to cope with heartache first: What if I reach out, and he doesn’t reciprocate? What steps should I take then? I need to prepare not for his rejection, but his freedom of choice. His freedom to say yes, maybe or no needs to be respected to deeply connect.

The potential reward of attempting and having a heart break plan in place might outweigh the fear of rejection. However, I’m uncertain about what kind of reward I can grant myself that would surpass the act of expressing vulnerability.

Soft thread, vulnerable connection, gentle communication

Written with the help of chatGPTπŸ€–

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