Dear Leentje,

You think it’s unfair that everybody, including you, will die someday. I see how distraught, frustrated, anxious, mean, powerless, dissapointed and unloved it makes you feel. How terrible and sad. The death is unfair. It’s not your fault when death takes your body away. Natural death is not a punishment. You don’t have to be perfect. You may exist. Even after death, you may exist. You may stay, even after your body is gone. You are welcome. You are loved. You belong. You are safe. I am here. It’s my responsibility to keep you as happy, healthy and safe as possible. It’s up to me to discover your uniqueness through any given moment, breath and connection. I will take care of you, embrace you, celebrate you. I will communicate your needs, boundaries and emotions, if neccesary with the help of others. You are magnificent, important and of value the way you are. Hold my hand. Look at me. I love you unconditionally, eternally.

Much love,


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