A special friend

(Around 2.4 billion potential special friends, but I focus preferably on one at a time)

I need a plan for dealing with heartbreak because the connection with a special friend feels like experiencing the power of the sea. It’s more than appreciating beautyπŸͺ»; it’s a deep sense of reverence. The sea, with its contrasting brute intensity and calmness, provides a profound sense of peaceπŸ•Šβ€”a paradox mirrored in the tumultuous yet serene depths.

The plan: brainstorm session

One approach might involve assessing and easing my tension caused by a particular situation. If immediately and healthily reducing tension proves challenging due to unhealthy patterns, seeking professional support might be helpful. Not necessarily for instant solutions, but to have a professional stand beside me, looking at the situation objectively and offering assistance. To (re)discover ways to ease my tension healthily and create a calm state for making healthier choices.

When my tension is too high, I tend to forget how to feel loved, seen, etc. When my tension is low🌟, I can feel more seen and loved. That’s why my heartbreak management plan🧭 might focus more on reducing tension first. In calmer moments, I tend to make healthier choices🌱, moving me closer to my intention of connecting with myself, God, nature, and others. These connections bring meaningπŸŒ… in my life, alongside the connection with a special friend.

By reducing tension and then seeking connection, I rediscover the essence of feeling loved and seen again, regardless of our mechanisms or life circumstances. When I feel loved, I’m inspired to create🎨 more beautyπŸͺ» inside and outπŸŽ‰.

Written with the help of chatGPTπŸ€–

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