May, and October too seem like times to adjust my meal planning for the months ahead. During the spring break, I’ll opt for lighter meals suited to warmer weather, while in October, I’ll focus on heartier options. Last week, with temperatures exceeding 20 degrees, I found it hard to keep cool, let alone bake quiches, apple bites in my mini oven, or deep frying Johnny cakes. That’s why, I’ve decided to switch those for soups, salads, and fruits on my light fasting days(mo, tue, thu). I’ll still keep cassoulet on Wednesdays and tutu on Sundays, but I make those once a month. I make Tropical crumble bi-weekly treat, and cookies I make weekly. Instead of quiches, I’ll prepare salads, and rather than baking apple bites, I’ll opt for refreshing desserts like mango or watermelon. On Fridays, instead of deep frying, I’ll savor my special fish salad stuffed bread with cheese slices, to celebrate the increasing excitement I’ve been experiencing latelyβ€”feeling more safety to be vulnerable, fostering deeper connections, and embracing personal growth. I can use This stuffed bread also as a picnic treat. I plan to bake it every two weeks. This way, I’ll maintain a cooler environment during warmer months, freeing up more time and energy to flutter and still enjoy the stability of soothing meals upon returning home. I’ll start making these changes at the beginning of next week(which doesn’t have to have to be a perfect transition), once my current stock dwindles. During vacation time now, I’ll allow myself the flexibility to choose different meals, which makes me treasure the comfort of home-cooked dishes even more!

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