Evening ritual (mon-fri)

Go offline from Whatsapp by 6pm. To limit the tendency to seek validation. To build object constancy. Look at the schedule for the next day and the coming week. To make it predictable. To increase a sense of safety. Set an alarm for the next morning⏰. Tidy up the room a bit (childhood habit). Put on pajamas(childhood habit). A dress, leggings, and socks. Spritz ‘night-time parfum’ on both wrists, behind the ears and in the collar of the dress. Put a tissue, earplugs, and chilled water next to the mattress. Place fresh roses near the pillow. Repeat? the structure of the morning routine for the next day (out loud): Shower, Have Breakfast, Make Bed, Care (DOBV – Douchen, Ontbijten, Bed opmaken,Verzorging). To make the next morning predictable. To build discipline safely. Turn off the radiator. Open the window a little. Lie in bed, earplugs in (old pain), leggings and socks off. To feel the soft blanket against my skin. Deep breathe the – distrustful/rationalizing/furious (etc.) – thoughts away. Takes 30 minutes. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. The duration depends on whether I have practiced deep breathing regularly throughout the day.

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