🏩 HOME 🏩

Besides staying in touch with my sensual side, I also have a part that loves to experience calm. That loves to pray in a deeply cleaned house. The first thing I need for that is more organized belongings, so when I receive my transparent boxes this week hopefully, I will place my stuff in them, which will allow me to keep an overview, label everything, and maintain an infrastructure to keep the home tidy and organized. This way, it will be easier to access everything for deep cleaning, and it will be pleasant to pray at home. And yes, this brings me a step closer to moving and feeling lighter and more able to flutter and dance through life. The reason I’m taking action now is because of words I sometimes read, about harvesting in the summer. It’s not officially summer yet, but the sun already gives me more energy than in the winter to take bigger steps. So the next step is to build an infrastructure at home. It will also be easier to place the boxes in the next house. I then only need to place the organized boxes in the closets.

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