My Movie Experience

Child’s Play: – funny.. mostly – spoiler alert

Didn’t expect to laugh.. like multiple times.. Got my guard down quite a bit. Thought this ‘horror’ movie was a peace of cake, until the last ten minutes.

My thoughts the last ten minutes: Will this end? About eight minutes left, why the sudden tension build.. Help. This needs to be over. Quick. About five minutes left, can’t stop watching. It’d be cruel for him to see his mother being murdered. I need to know how this ends, can’t turn it off.

The mayority of the movie I was aware that I was watching a movie, but I felt so scared those last ten minutes. As if I was stuck in it. I felt almost every second of it. Very intensely.. I feel confused now. I need to reassure myself:

This was a movie. You are safe.

Then again.. I need to know if there is a part two. I need to see it.

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