Letter to self (inner child)

Dear Leentje,

I love you. You are loved. Whoever comes into your life or leaves, you are loved. However you look, you are loved. No matter how you feel, you are loved. No matter what choices others make, you are loved. I am with you. I see you. You are safe. I love you. You may feel sad when someone leaves. Take all the time and space you need to grieve, to sit with all the emotions. I’ll be there. I will comfort you. I will reassure you by repeating this message and by taking my responsibility to give you the love you deserve: undivided attention, safe touches, compliments, acts of service and gifts. You deserve it all, whoever comes into your life or leaves, no matter how you look or may feel. You deserve unconditional love and I will continue to give it to you.

Much Love,


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