👩🏟‍🊱 AFRO 👩🏟‍🊱

I’m trying to discover a hairstyle that suits me. It should cater to my desires. To achieve this, I thought today of doing an African threading-like technique on dried hair (instead of using thread I might use elastics, as I find threading with thread still too difficult to do*) with braids/twists underneath, sleeping with them, waking up, taking a bath, blow-drying as usual, taking off the top layer the elastics, and undoing the layer underneath, the braids/twists, adding a bit of gel here and there, and done! I have no idea if this plan is foolproof, but the likelihood of it meeting my desires is quite high.

I’ll need patience for daily finger detangling, making big twists/braids at the end of the day, and “threading” and undoing it all the next morning.

I’ll need skill for stretching my hair neatly, and courage to wear the style despite it taking up space.

I’ll also need plenty of breathable elastics for blow drying, a blow dryer with a cool setting, and a brush for thorough detangling on a weekly basis.

*Or perhaps following some tutorials and experimenting could work too. Because undoing a thread seems quicker than taking out elastics, it could save me time.

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