Lorena morphing into Lorenzo: “I’ll be your Lorenzo, your mami, your papi, your everything”. How it makes sense? I’ll go above and beyond to please the one I love. Lorena is my mode which protects (Leentjes feelings). I feel cut off from my feelings. Lost.. Recognizing this pattern can be the first step to allowing myself to feel again. I may be feeling desperate underneath this mask. How to reassure my inner child who might be feeling desperate? Never asked myself that question. I’ll take time to think about it. The answer might include the next clue on how to negotiate with Lorena to go and stay away. Because if I can take care of Leentjes need, Lorena won’t be necessary anymore.

Update: Thinking about what the answer might be, I suddenly feel an urge to binge eat. Aha! A sign I might feel empty emotionally. How can I fill this emotional gap in a healthy way? I could try to self-love in one of the five love languages. Word of affirmation seems most appropriate right now. I’ll give it a try.
Well.. I tried
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