My Movie Experience

The invitation: – Grimm and sad – SPOILER alert

My face at the end -> . The moral of the story to me is: suppressing feelings doesn’t make them go away. Hits home hard. I have a tendency to suppress feelings, to avoid pain in toxic ways. Very sad how long a human being is able to suppress what’s pure: the ability to feel, to experience emotions like sadness, anger, happiness, and fear. I feel a little sad after watching this movie. I feel calm as well because they escaped a cult. Like I did last night (in my dream)… So kind of a happy ending.

I need to take care of myself by letting myself feel. I’m allowing myself to cry now.

This movie brings up so many thoughts: if I’m suppressing so much. How many are too? The sad thing about suppressing is that it is extra difficult to express the needs you get from suppressing. As if you’re stuck in a vicious cycle. I imagine how many people suppress their feelings too.

It makes me feel sad. Laying in bed with my laptop opened and on. I gave myself space to cry. I need to comfort myself a little more. I’ll start by pouring myself a cup of tea, one of my favorites: green tea with a lot of honey

One of my favs
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