Often I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing, that I don’t know which direction to go in without holding a guiding hand or leaning on a strong, supportive shoulder. But I see a path emerging that I can walk step by step without holding tightly. This path was already here, but my critical side made me feel pressured to run, without reaching out for a hand. Now I see that I can go at my own pace and also be honest about my speed. I still don’t fully know what I’m doing, but a little less. Less of a distraught feeling. My intent is to slightly lower my expectations towards myself and be slightly more open about my pace towards my surroundings. At the beginning of the year, unconsciously, I wondered if I could handle the pressure I was putting on myself, and today, almost halfway into the new year, I feel more, a sense of relief. Still, a critical side remains, that I could do better and faster, but slightly less. I just need to remind myself over and over that I am free – and supported to walk and grow at my own pace, – until I remember. It’s hard to say this to myself without feeling the messages of my critical side, but:

I feel so proud of myself.

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