Dear Leentje,

I see you. You feel dissapointed, angry, confused, desperate, distraught, powerless, discouraged, frustrated and unseen. How stressful and tiring. This is old pain. I will communicate your boundaries, needs and emotions, if necessary with the help of others. You are worth standing up for. We cannot control how people respond. I respect you. How they respond is not your fault. You don’t deserve punishment. You are pure. I forgive you. Believe: you can handle whatever comes your way. You got this. I believe in you. You are of value the way you are. Open up: look for and focus on proof that people – including me – are trustworthy. It is okay to be curious about the same and/or the opposite gender. Explore. Receive acceptance, love and attention. You belong. You are safe. Stay.

Much love,


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