❀️ LOVE ❀️

❀️ might fit in my happy, safe place

I think I might be:

  • Agreeable: 85%
  • Neurotic: 75%
  • Introvert: 60%
  • Open: 70%
  • Concientious: 60%

That’s why I think I might feel very attracted to:

  • Agreeable: 65%. Disagreeable enough to set clear boundaries, make healthy choices. Agreeable enough to see and care about my boundaries, needs, emotions.
  • Neurotic: 70-80%.* Sensitive and regulated.*
  • Introvert: 55-65%. Introverted enough to connect on deep topics, books etc. Extroverted enough to feel calm in a group.
  • Open: 80%. Open enough to encourage me to try new things. But closed enough to protect excisting safe, happy places healthily.
  • Concientious: 70%-90%. Concientious enough for me to look up too. Relaxed enough to spend quality time.

*And, who has an healthy adult mode and inner child mode.

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