I notice that I find it easier to think of pleasant personality traits of my inner child than of my healthy adult mode. It feels as if my healthy adult mode barely exists to me. So I am starting by validating my inner child mode and trying to discover five traits that truly belong to her.

Here are 100 values that a person might attribute to themselves:

1. Honesty

2. Integrity

3. Respect

4. Responsibility

5. Compassion

6. Kindness

7. Loyalty

8. Courage

9. Patience

10. Humility

11. Justice

12. Reliability

13. Loyalty

14. Empathy

15. Forgiveness

16. Dignity

17. Gratitude

18. Sincerity

19. Care

20. Modesty

21. Tolerance

22. Optimism

23. Dedication

24. Altruism

25. Peacefulness

26. Self-control

27. Flexibility

28. Perseverance

29. Forgiveness

30. Selflessness

31. Steadfastness

32. Generosity

33. Forgiveness

34. Responsibility

35. Adventurousness

36. Openness

37. Sincerity

38. Realism

39. Humbleness

40. Bravery

41. Ambition

42. Commitment

43. Self-discipline

44. Honor

45. Determination

46. Self-reflection

47. Innovativeness

48. Curiosity

49. Resilience

50. Confidence

51. Friendliness

52. Helpfulness

53. Self-reliance

54. Enthusiasm

55. Tenacity

56. Gentleness

57. Innovation

58. Critical thinking

59. Willingness

60. Patience

61. Cooperation

62. Solidarity

63. Community spirit

64. Accountability

65. Generosity

66. Politeness

67. Carefulness

68. Thankfulness

69. Adaptability

70. Self-esteem

71. Loyalty

72. Generosity

73. Trust

74. Honesty

75. Integrity

76. Discipline

77. Creativity

78. Self-awareness

79. Adventurousness

80. Justice

81. Carefulness

82. Persistence

83. Self-improvement

84. Positivity

85. Authenticity

86. Respect

87. Tenacity

88. Self-motivation

89. Responsibility

90. Understanding

91. Hospitality

92. Gentleness

93. Loyalty

94. Appreciation

95. Forgiveness

96. Accountability

97. Perseverance

98. Kindness

99. Self-respect

100. Commitment

source: chatgpt

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