
“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”

Winston S. Churchill

Situations hurt more when there is a deeper pain, maybe even traumas.

New affirmation: resolving – generational – traumas will help me connect with others.

It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.

Nelson Mandela

When my thoughts change, my feelings change, my bodily sensations change, my behavior changes, my interactions with others change. My view of the world changes.

New affirmations: I recognize which thoughts are helpful and which are dysfunctional. I take responsibility to stop my own dysfunctional thoughts/patterns. I develop supportive thoughts/habits.

My questions

  1. Do I see color in general?
  2. Do I see my own color(s)?
  3. Do I see your color(s)?
  4. What if we don’t have the same skin color?

My answers

  1. Yes, I can perceive colors.
  2. Yes. My arm is brown. My teeth are white(mostly). My veins are green. My nails are nude/pinkish.
  3. No. Not from behind my screen I don’t. But I bet.. how do I say this without sounding like a deranged psychopath.. Just a little bit too late for that, right?! O well.. : your organs are probably pink. Your blood is red, right? Your teeth are white. Your eye whites are white. Your tongue is pink. Your nails are nude/pinkish as well.
  4. Differences and similarities may scare, sadden, anger me. My dysfunctional associations with your skin color are not your fault. You are safe. You are loved.
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