What sensual activities* would I like to do with a special friend? Maybe spend time at the beach. We could start with a long walk barefoot along the water. We could start walking quickly, but the uneven sand slows us down after a while, massages our feet as we go, making us feel the sand and water more sensually against our feet(like I experienced today on this spontaneous solo spicy date)!

Instead of the two bags I had today, I’d pack everything we need in a backpack, to keep both hands free and enjoy the walk more. Then, we could relax on the beach, with our hands and feet in the sand, and maybe after that get some ice cream. That’s the sensual sweet spot I’d like to reach spontaneously, without breaking the bank. Today, I understand more about the charm of long romantic walks on the beach.

*These activities feel like physiological foreplay, without even starting the physical foreplay. I guess that’s why I usually do these things in a relationship, because now it’s just heat without release. It’s a little uncomfortable because, physically, my body temperature is pretty high and my breathing is slightly fast. I feel a bit frustrated. I think that massaging my scalp might help shift my thoughts and redirect my bloodflow. That’s why I might gift myself a sweet scented hairoil, to massage my scalp after a solo spicy date.

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