After crying it all out, fully embracing my discouraged feelings, and praying, I suddenly felt soothed again. I started to catch glimpses of the present moment and heard myself softly singing along to a song playing on my zouk mix. Suddenly, I noticed that my new toothpaste tasted like licorice. And while preparing to dry my hair, I remembered that I have those beautiful French recipe books to look forward to and that I could be drinking mocktails on the beach. I caught myself falling into an old pattern, which I quickly nipped in the bud today, of fleeing into fun, impulsive activities instead of going through the feelings. So, I decided to bravely go through my feelings, uncomfortably, but I feel relieved and more present after it. That’s why I accept the temporary discomfort and keep doing it. A grieving ritual that I seem to need less on warm, light days than on cold, dark days. So I completed my grieving ritual. I continued to let in daily inspo from my favorite sources and yes, yes… a nap(or at least I tried toπŸ₯²). I am going to take extra good care of myself today to see what I need. Cooling down mainly! When I’m cooled down, I might feel curious again, to pick up something pleasant. I permit myself not to rush fun, impulsive activities and continue to create and welcome myself in the safe and happy place I already created. There is no hurry. There is life, and then that’s it(that went very dark on sunny day, I know:)).

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