My mother prepared food she knew I’d like and love and stocked the fridge with it, especially on holidays, birthdays and with special occasions. I felt loved knowing the frigde was stocked with these prepared meals. She’d say: “There’s food in the fridge, if you’re hungry. You only need to heat it.”. I’d ea those prepped meals past bed time sometimes. The next morning she’d tell me about a rat that ate the food (looking at me with a big smile). We laughed about it.

My father bought me gifts he knew I’d like and love, especially if he came back from a business trip. I felt loved receiving those gifts. No matter how much he earned, he always had a ‘pick-whatever-you-want’ at a store budget for papi su dushi. Or he’d give me cash just because. Sometimes I’d buy food with it and eat the chips, cakes with friends outside.. right before dinner.

The biggest gift however he gave me was a lab pup(which brightened up a lot of gloomy days): on a sunday morning my father saw an add in the paper. Puppy for sell, 800 gulden. He told me about it and asked if I wanted a puppy. I said yes. We got into the car, drove across the country, to pick up a puppy. When we arrived I saw a lot of pups running around. And than, suddenly, out of nowhere, a blonde lab pup appeared. I told my father: “I want that one.” I than received my favorite gift. I felt loved receiving this gift. On the way back with our new friend in the smart car, we decided on a name for him: Calo (a combination of our names).

On another day my father – while searching for work related software in the Bruna/Stumpel (Amsterdam) – picked up a game for me. A simulation game: the Sims. I felt loved receiving this gift. I played it.. a lot.

My parents love(d) me . I appreciate, am thankful for, and I cherish these memories.

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