I used 4 packs of hair to braid with. I wanted to do braids since the last time I mentioned it in a previous post. I don’t remember the date. I love this box braid hairstyle, but to be honest this wasn’t the main reason to wear it. It feels safe to hide. Tommorow I am starting a new therapy group so I want to wear this ‘mask’. I don’t feel comfortable to show my most vulnerable side. Which are my eyes. At a first glance you will notice my box braids now first? instead of my eyes, the windows of my soul. I know it is a false sense security, but it is a way to avoid intimacy❀. I’m scared that I won’t stop crying once people really see and understand how hurt I am. The empathy of others can make me feel seen, less lonely, but it also feels unfamiliar. Which makes me feel powerless and very sad. So to not make the session of tommorow all about me, I will hide my tears. If I can’t hide my tears
 well.. I’M F U C K E D . Please prrrrrray for me and if you don’t believe in God, wish me luck and if you don’t believe in luck and are sure everything is destined to be the way it is
 well.. WE’RE F U C K E D.

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