Openness + happy safe place –> feeling curious

Feeling curious + exploring without goals that fit me –> boredom

Boredom + impatience -?> toxic parent mode

Toxic parent mode + shame -?> fear of rejection

Fear of rejection + trigger based choices -?> Emptier/restlessness (keeps me up at night).

Healthy adult mode + feeling curious -?> goals that fit me

Goals that fit me + reassurance (like: your pace is nothing to be ashamed of. Your pace is enough. Your effort makes a difference. Your openess enriches my life. Your goals are of value the way they are. How the toxic parent mode responds to your pace is not your fault. You don’t have to be perfect. You are safe. ) -?> a happy safe place to be open to learn.

Python🐍: moves over a little for now.

Language🌍: takes care of Leentjes need to play, have fun, connect.

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