🧸 Q-time 🧸

What would you like to dream about tonight?

Snowangels, pigeons.

How did you sleep last night?

Okay, 6-9 hours.

What are you looking forward to today?

To see👁👁 🪻🌷🥑🌱.


It might make me feel glad.

What do you dread doing today?

To not see👁👁🪻🌷🥑🌱.

How can we make it better?

Try to create soil for it to grow.

What are you reading today?

War🪖 and peace🏳.

Tell me about it.

🧠: Natasha is the youngest child👨‍👩‍👧 of countess Nathaly and count Ilya. Natasha has a older sister👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 called Vera. Natasha has a doll👩‍🍼 called Mimi. Natasha talks🫦 to Boris and tells him: you🫵 are in love❤️ with me. They exchange a kiss💋. She counts🧮 how many years🗓 from now Boris and her might be married💍.

🧠20: Natasha plays✨️ the harp. Then she looks🕵️‍♀️ for Sonya. Cries😢 with Sonya. Later on she dances💃🕺with Pierre.

🕵🏾‍♀️Same text other chapter numbers.
The audiobook has the same chapter numbers as this version. My reading schedule for tommorrow: Monday chapter 18 instead of chapter 21.
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