🧸 Q-time 🧸

How did you sleep last night?

Okay, better. 9+ hours, deeper without interruptions🕺🐭.

What are you looking forward to today?

To see👁👁🥑🌱🪻🌷.


It might make me feel glad and proud.

What do you dread doing today?

To not see👁👁🌱🪻🌷.

How can we make it better?

Receive your words:

I see how confused, distraught and discouraged you feel hon. How tiring and stressful! This is old pain darling. I am here. I take care of you. Hold my hand. Look at me. Listen. You got this. I believe in you. I encourage you by stimulating your senses. Look around, at the colors you see. I am so proud of you and thankfull for your presence. Please stay. Your presence makes a difference to me. You are important to me.

What are you reading today?

War🪖 and peace🏳.

Tell me about it.

🧠1-16: Prince🫅 Vasili Kuragin goes to Anna Pavlovna’s party🎈. He talks about political, social and intimate subjects and listens👂 to Anna’s views too. He repeats to Anna that he is her faithful🙏 slave🧎‍♂️ forever ♾️ and ever. Prince🫅 Vasili has three ⚟ children. Their names are Helene👨‍👧, Anatole👨‍👦 and Hippolyte👨‍👦. Prince🫅 Vasili shares with Anna how he thinks about his children😮‍💨😠😤. He also shares that he needs to leave the party🎈 earlier, because he intends to go to the fete. His daughter👨‍👧 needs to pick him up to go there. Princess👸 Lise who is also at the party🎈 asks Prince Vasili a 😨question❔️. Prince🫅 Vasili shares with Anna how he views👏 the princess👸. Later on he is at count Cyril’s place🏠. He took care of count Cyril who is sick🤒 by calling 🗣 dr. 🩺 Lorrain.

🧠17: The count Cyril gives money💰 to his countess. The countess gives money💰 to Anna for Boris’ gear👖.

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