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My father and I (8) used to visit bookstores in big cities, like Amsterdam. He searched for new Java, C++ books for his job in other countries, like Belgium, and he’d look for books to learn French. I would appreciate it, even more, when he was home again and decided to spend time together. I felt supported by him to read. That’s why I enjoyed reading books (even dictionaries for fun) without any pressure. I felt seen, safe and unashamed to be a book lover. I’d love to have a library at my safe place.

My mother and I (19) start visiting the church in my home town Hoorn. We used to read out of a big bible together in the morning and used to visit Christian bookstores. She would look for Christian books and she’d look out for Christian movies like a movie about John (a fav, I watched repeatedly). She was an active member of the church. I would appreciate it, even more, when she was home again and decided to spend time together. I felt supported by her to read the bible and other Christian books. That’s why I enjoyed reading Christian books (even the bible for fun) without any pressure. I felt seen, safe and unashamed to be a lover of the word. I’d love to have a big Bible and other Christian books at my safe place.

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