📅 PLAN 📅

New (S.M.A.R.T) goals

Due date: January 18th, 2024

Let in more


Task 1 Adventure

Sketch out presentations for my regular dishes and of these dishes with a festive touch.


Task 2 group

Regulate deep sleep (to feel calmer in a group).

Find ways to save money for a relaxation massage (to feel calmer in a group).

Find ways to save for group cooking classes, to meet people who share a passion for food.

Find ways to save for fun, playful outdoor activities (to flirt less in a group).

I tend to be flirtatious, often without realizing it (9/10 times), and I need to express this side in a more appropriate (instead of a chaotic🌪 way) and safe environment instead of suppressing it. To enhance my experience of flirting, I plan to save up for activities like an erotic massage, a lap dance, and a 4-hand massage. Engaging with real people allows me to connect on a deeper level than just through a screen(yet without any strings attached), experiencing their eyes, skin, scent, and voice up close. When I feel comfortable, I may even consider inviting a special friend to join me.

Become an expert

Reflected on my goals during the Xmas/winter break and realized: I feel fulfilled, proud, and thankful when I create a little party on my plate.That’s why I need to replace the part, become an 👩🏟‍💻 expert, with creating little parties on my plate👩🏟‍🍳(being an expert in both areas would be a bonus). To elevate my – regular – dishes (with a festive touch) and adjust them to my liking.

Task 3 Discover

Discover one recipe per dish and write down helpful tips to elevate and adjust my monday regular dish:

Monday: tomato soup, sweet potato and apple cinnamon bites.

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