Dear Leentje,

I guide, train and coach you 300+ days a year to weather the storm, encourage you to dance in the rain and to celebrate life. I celebrate each of these days I get to see you grow into your own, especially on your birthday. You are important to me. You weathered the storm, danced in the rain and celebrated life beautifully at 33 years! I am so proud of you and thankfull you are here. I love you unconditionally. I look forward too and am present at your next birthday too and every birthday after that to cheer you on. Happy 34th birthday sweety. To many more healthy and happy years! You got this! I believe in you.”

Much love,


Quality time birthday edition

Favorite color: pinkπŸ’•

Favorite fruit: dried sweet🍯 juicy dates

Favorite thing to do outside: jump

Favorite shoes: heelsπŸ‘ πŸ‘’πŸ‘‘

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