
Breakfast: pancakes

I picked pancakes for breakfast. Mainly because of a Dutch neighbour in my childhood, a mother of a childhood friend. She used to bake them every Saturday and created a pancake stacked plate🀯πŸ₯ž. I felt accepted, a sense of belonging and excited. I also picked pancakes, because my mother used to make the Curacaoan version: riskoek. She’d make a ton and store them in the frigde and would tell me: “you only need to reheat them”. That’s why I prepared them today. I only have to reheat them tomorrow.

Dinner: order in

Option 1

The first option is nostalgic to me. It reminds of a previous birthday trip to Mac Donalds in – if I remember it correctly – 1998. My father told me to pick anything I want. I felt seen in my need for autonomy. I picked a Big Mac menu. My go to menu at the Mac Donalds ever since.
Option 2

The second option does not deliver on Tuesdays, unfortunately. My mother used to make mashed potatoes when I felt sick. She would bring it to my bed. I’d have dinner in bed. I felt accepted, enough, safe. That is also why the Dutch version of mashed potatoes, called stampot, is one of my favorite meals.
Option 3

The third option seems nutritious and might be deliciously tender and seasoned. This seems like a choice of my healthy adult mode, based on my inner-child’s wish to eat more fresh produce and to try new healthy things.

Birthday card

Birthday gift

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Birthday – cup🧁🀫 – cakes and candle

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