Natural hair journey

So when I first started this blog I didn’t have a clear goal. I just knew I wanted to share my path to self-love. Working on my mental health by going to therapy and adopting good habits/coping skills plays the biggest part in my recovery. Oddly enough my hair also plays a big role in loving myself. It reminds me of some childhood memories when I felt very unloved. Learning to look past those old convictions and bringing up the patience to endure uncomfortable feelings is a process I want to share. My hair journey and my mental health journey are intertwined. I big chopped May 2019, so this is me now a half year later (November 2019). Looking through my old glasses I see an unloved, undeserving child. Looking through my new glasses I see a unique, lovable and brave woman. The theme of 2020: GOING DEEP.

April/May 2024 (5 years post big chop)

What is my (smart) goal for 2020?

Specific(target a specific area for improvement)Habits.

Measurable (quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress)Giving myself a scalp massage for 30 minutes at least once a week. Logging it.

Assignable (specify who will do it): I will massage my own scalp.

Realistic(state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources)Once a week is achievable. I am physically able to massage my scalp.

Time-related(specify when the result(s) can be achieved)A log of 52 (weeks) scalp massages completed.

Why do I care about (my) hair? Why discuss it?

To (re)build my self-image. Seeing how healthy my hair looks is a sign of a good self-care system.

What hair certifications, licenses do I have?

None. Maybe someday I will. I have a lot of experience doing my own hair. For example, I do my own box braids (see picture).

How do I get information about haircare?

  • Google: Gives different perspectives due to all the opinions.
  • Books: Most are revisited multiple times before being published.
  • Experts: They are educated & experienced in this field.

Which source do I trust most to care for my hair?

My intuition. I am an expert on my own hair. I carry my hair 24/7 with me. To give you an idea I know through trial and error which hair wash frequency suits me the most.