From Monday, February 10th to Sunday, February 16th? I will fast emotionally. What that means to me is that I will not seek validation by posting food, music, stories. I will not pimp out my three biggest passions?, nor my body, to get validation. I will not ‘seduce’ you to stay. I need this time to search into my soul what my self-worth is. I want to know what happens when peeling away those layers. I will keep posting how I feel, by mood tracking.

By the way, a little explanation about mood tracking: 1 is no tension, 5 unbearable tension. And these four emoticons: I use to describe basic emotions such as joy, sadness, anger, and fear. Every basic emotion has gradations.

For example when I write morning: 2, I could be feeling gloomy and afternoon: 4 could mean that I feel powerless. And evening: 2 doesn’t necessarily mean that I am violent all night. It can mean that the greatest part of my evening I felt some kind of anger, such as agitation.

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