🧸 Q-time 🧸

What books are you reading today?

  • Chinese
  • The bible for dummies
  • ‘De favoriete zus’ by Jessica Knoll

Did you try something new today?

  • Read a book to meet my need to have fun at breakfast.
  • Be open to and feel curious about a variation of ways to connect.
  • Change up my work-out routine by beginning with the last exercise (hip thrusts) of this routine and ending with the first one (sit-ups).
  • Exercise without music or other content.
  • Take a few deep breaths before sleeping.
  • Take a few deep breaths after waking up.

Did you learn something new today?

Twinkle twinkle little star 🎹.

What was the best thing that happend today?

I opened up more and felt more curious at my happy, safe place.

What was your favorite part of the day?

Drink a cup of coffee and read a book at breakfast.

What do you wish we did more often?

Take a few deep breaths.

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