Dear Leentje,

I see how afraid, frustrated, ashamed, discouraged, unseen, unloved and jealous you feel. How awful and sad. This is old pain. You’ve been deprived of a lot of warmth, kisses, hugs and compliments in your childhood. This was not your fault. Open up. You are safe. Let me give you a peck on both hands. MWAH. One. MWAH. Two. You are soft, sweet and pink and that is okay. You are important, magnificent and of value the way you are. I accept you. I support you. Big tight hug incoming. I am thankful for you. I will communicate your needs, boundaries and emotions, if necessary with the help of others. We cannot control how others behave. Believe: you can handle whatever comes your way. You got this. Listen: you are beautiful, wonderful, awesome, great, pure, unique, lovely and special. Let me wrap a soft blanket around you. Receive love, attention and acceptance. You belong. You are loved. MWAH.

Much love,


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