08:00 AM – Alarm clock sound

  • Choking the alarm clock
  • Punching the alarm clock
  • High kicking the alarm clock
  • Choke holding the alarm clock
  • Squeezing the life out of the alarm clock
  • Catching my breath

08:45 AM Sunrise

08:56 AM Morning routine

Making a bottle of diluted shampoo and conditioner
32:1 (water:shampoo/conditioner)

09:07 AM Step 1 Washing my Hair

  • Parting my hair in four sections
  • Spritzing diluted shampoo 1.5 times on the first part
  • Washing the first part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Spritzing diluted shampoo 1.5 times on the second part
  • Washing the second part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Spritzing diluted shampoo 1.5 times on the third part
  • Washing the third part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Spritzing diluted shampoo 1.5 times on the fourth part
  • Washing the fourth part

10:11 AM Step 2 Conditioning my hair

  • conditioning the first part
  • rinsing out the part
  • conditioning the second part
  • rinsing out the part
  • conditioning the third part
  • rinsing out the part
  • conditioning the fourth part
  • rinsing out the part

1:04 PM Step 3 Hair mask

  • Applying 1/4 of a dime size on the first part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Applying 1/4 of a dime size on the second part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Applying 1/4 of a dime size on the third part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Applying 1/4 of a dime size on the fourth part
  • Rinsing out the part
  • Towel dry my hair

3:02 PM Step 4 Hair products

  • Application on the first part
  • Application on the second part
  • Application on the third part
  • Application on the fourth part

4:15 PM Step 5 Combing my hair

Combing the first part

4:31 PM Sunset

Combing the first part
Combing the second part
Combing the third part
Combing the fourth part

6:00 PM Napping

11:19 PM sleep

Next day..

08:00 AM – Alarm clock sound

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